Prescription Refills

If you have refills at some other pharmacy, you can call your doctor and ask to email them to us. We can also contact your doctor and organize everything on our own. Yet, it is important to clarify that doctors will contact us within 3-5 working days, so it will be easier for you to get in touch with the doctor yourself.

4 Methods:

  • Personally. You can go to the pharmacy where you filled your prescription and ask for another prescription. Then you can wait for a second prescription at the pharmacy or pick it up later.
  • By phone. Call the pharmacy whose phone number is on the medicine label. You can also download the application to your phone and refill the prescription without a call.
  • Online. In our pharmacy you can order prescription medicines online.
  • By mail. People who take medication frequently can refill by mail. With this option, you can get more than one drug if your doctor writes a prescription for that many drugs.

If your prescription drugs are covered by health insurance, be sure to let us know if your coverage has changed since your last order. If you are not sure about the cost of the medicine, you can clarify this issue with our specialists. Some health insurance programs have instructions on how to get prescription drugs.